The Identity and Access Management (IAM) system in the eTag Fuse platform provides comprehensive control over user identities, roles, and access to resources. IAM is the foundation for managing users and securing access across the platform and its integrated applications. It ensures that only authorized users can access the appropriate resources based on their roles and permissions.
Administrators can create and manage user accounts, whether they are local accounts or provisioned users from integrated identity providers.
Learn more about User Management
IAM provides powerful role management capabilities, allowing administrators to assign specific roles to users and groups. Roles define what actions users are allowed to perform and what resources they can access.
Learn more about Role Management
Granular permissions can be assigned to roles, controlling who can create, read, update, delete, or manage specific resources. The platform ensures only authorized users have access to sensitive information.
Learn more about Permissions and Access Control
IAM integrates with the platform's security policies, allowing administrators to enforce specific rules and behaviors for different users or groups.
Learn more about Security Policies
Administrators can configure user preferences, such as notification settings, themes, and accessibility features. This allows users to tailor their experience according to their needs.
Learn more about User Personalization
Administrators can create and manage user groups, allowing for role and permission assignment at the group level. Group management simplifies access control for larger teams.
Learn more about Group Management
IAM seamlessly integrates with external identity providers, such as SAML, OIDC, and OAuth, allowing organizations to use existing authentication systems while maintaining centralized access control through the Fuse platform.
Learn more about Identity Providers
The Identity and Access Management (IAM) system in the eTag Fuse platform provides robust tools for managing users, groups, roles, and access control, ensuring a secure and scalable environment for organizations of all sizes.